Gershon Elber, Myung-Soo Kim, "Synthesis of 3D jigsaw puzzles over freeform 2-manifolds", Computers & Graphics, 102: 339-348, February 2022.
Youngjin Park, Q. Youn Hong, Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber, "Self-intersection computation for Freeform Surfaces based on a Regional Representation Scheme for Miter Points", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 86: Article 101979, 2021.
Sang-Hyun Son, Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber, "Precise Hausdorff Distance Computation for Freeform Surfaces based on Computations with Osculating Toroidal Patches", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 86: Article 101967, 2021.
Sofia Trautner, Bert Juttler, Myung-Soo Kim, "Representing Planar Domains by Polar Parameterizations with Parabolic Parameter Line", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 85: Article 101966, 2021.
Gershon Elber, Myung-Soo Kim, "Euclidean Offset and Bisector Approximations of Curves over Freeform Surfaces", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 80: Article 101850, 2020.
Youngjin Park, Sang Hyun Son, Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber, "Surface-Surface-Intersection Computation using a Bounding Volume Hierarchy with Osculating Toroidal Patches in the Leaf Nodes", Computer-Aided Design, 127: Article 102866, 2020.
Sang-Hyun Son, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber, "Efficient Minimum Distance Computation for Solids of Revolution", Computer Graphics Forum, 39(2): 535-544, 2020.
Q Youn Hong, Youngjin Park, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Trimming Offset Surface Self-intersections around Near-singular Regions", Computers & Graphics, 82: 84-94, August 2019.
Kemal Mert Dogan, Hiromasa Suzuki, Erkan Gunpinar, and Myung-Soo Kim, "A generative sampling system for profile designs with shape constraints and user evaluation", Computer-Aided Design, 111: 93-112, June 2019.
Yunku Kang, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Min-Ho Kyung, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Fast and robust computation of the Hausdorff distance between triangle mesh and quad mesh for near-zero cases", Computers & Graphics, 81: 61-72, June 2019.
Bert Juttler, Sofia Maroscheck, Myung-Soo Kim, and Q Youn Hong, "Arc fibrations of planar domains", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 71: 105-118, May 2019.
Sangjun Han, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Minkowski sum computation for planar freeform geometric models using G1-biarc approximation and interior disk culling", The Visual Computer, 35: 921-933, May 2019.
Yunku Kang, Min-Ho Kyung, Seung-Hyun Yoon, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Fast and robust computation of the Hausdorff distance between triangle mesh and quad mesh for near-zero cases", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 62: 91-103, May 2018.
Jonathan Mizrahi, Sijoon Kim, Iddo Hanniel, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Minkowski sum computation of B-spline surfaces", Graphical Models, 91: 30-38, May 2017.
Jaewook Lee, Yong-Joon Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Efficient Voronoi diagram construction for planar freeform spiral curves", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 43: 131-142, March 2016.
Yong-Joon Kim, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Precise contact motion planning for deformable planar curved shapes", Computer-Aided Design, 70(1): 126-133, January 2016.
Jaewook Lee, Yong-Joon Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Comparison of three bounding regions with cubic convergence to planar freeform curves ", The Visual Computer, 31(6-8): 809-818, June 2015.
Yong-Joon Kim, Jong-Hwa Woo, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Interactive tree modeling and deformation with collision detection and avoidance", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 26(3-4): 423-432, May 2015.
Jaewook Lee, Yong-Joon Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Efficient offset trimming for deformable planar curves using a dynamic hierarchy of bounding circular arcs", Computer-Aided Design, 58(1): 248-255, January 2015.
Yong-Joon Kim, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim "Precise continuous contact motion for planar freeform geometric curves", Graphical Models, 76(5): 580-592, September 2014.
Yong-Joon Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Precise convex hull computation for freeform models using a hierarchical Gauss map and a Coons BVH", Computer-Aided Design, 46(1): 252-257, January 2014.
Gershon Elber and Myung-Soo Kim, "Modeling by composition", Computer-Aided Design, 46(1): 200-204, January 2014.
Jaesung Park, Minsub Shim, Seon-Young Park, Yunku Kang, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Realistic deformation of 3D human blood vessels", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 24(3-4): 317-325, May-August 2013.
Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Efficient Hausdorff distance computation for freeform geometric models in close proximity", Computer-Aided Design, 45(2): 270-276, February 2013.
Yong-Joon Kim, Jieun Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Efficient offset trimming for planar rational curves using biarc trees", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29(7): 555-564, October 2012.
Gershon Elber, Yong-Joon Kim, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Volumetric Boolean sum", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29(7): 532-540, October 2012.
Young-Taek Oh, Yong-Joon Kim, Jieun Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Efficient point-projection to freeform curves and surfaces", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29(5): 242-254, June 2012.
Young-Taek Oh, Yong-Joon Kim, Jieun Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Continuous point projection to planar freeform curves using spiral curves", The Visual Computer, 28(1): 111-123, January 2012.
Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Coons BVH for Freeform Geometric Models",
(Paper) (Video) ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 30(6): Article 169, December 2011.
Yong-Joon Kim, Jieun Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Efficient convex hull computation for planar freeform curves", Computers & Graphics, 35(3): 698-705, June 2011.
Jung-Woo Chang, Yi-King Choi, Myung-Soo Kim, and Wenping Wang, "Computation of the minimum distance between two Bézier curves/surfaces", Computers & Graphics, 35(3): 677-684, June 2011.
Ramanathan Muthuganapathy, Gershon Elber, Gill Barequet, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Computing the minimum enclosing sphere of free-form hypersurfaces in arbitrary dimensions", Computer-Aided Design, 43(3): 247-257, March 2011.
Michael Barton, Iddo Hanniel, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Precise Hausdorff Distance Computation between Polygonal Meshes", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27, 8, 580-591, November, 2010.
Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyung Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Precise Hausdorff Distance Computation for Planar Freeform Curves using Biarcs and Depth Buffer", The Visual Computer, 26(6-8): 1007-1016, June 2010.
Jung-Woo Chang, Wenping Wang, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Efficient Collision Detection using a Dual OBB-sphere Bounding Volume Hierarchy", Computer-Aided Design, 42(1): 50-57, January 2010.
Gershon Elber, Tom Grandine, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Surface Self-intersection Computation via Algebraic Decomposition", Computer-Aided Design, 41(12): 1060-1066, December 2009.
Jieun Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Seung-Hyun Yoon, "Patches: Character Skinning with Local Deformation Layer", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 20(2-3): 321-331, June 2009.
Jung-Woo Chang and Myung-Soo Kim, "Efficient Triangle-triangle Intersection Test for OBB-based Collision Detection", Computers & Graphics, 33(3): 235-240, June 2009.
Yi-King Choi, Jung-Woo Chang, Wenping Wang, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Continuous Collision Detection for Ellipsoids", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(2): 311-324, April 2009.
Giovanni Della Vecchia, Bert Jüttler, and Myung-Soo Kim, "A Construction of Rational Manifold Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology and Smoothness from Triangular Meshes", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 25(9): 801-815, December 2008.
Seung-Hyun Yoon, Choong-Gyoo Lim, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Sweep-Based Plausible Elastic Deformations", ETRI Journal, 30(1): 152-154, February 2008.
Diana Pekerman, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Self-Intersection Detection and Elimination in Freeform Curves and Surfaces", Computer-Aided Design, 40(2): 150-159, February 2008.
Iddo Hanniel, Ramanathan Muthuganapathy, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Precise Voronoi Cell Extraction of Free-Form Planar Piecewise C1-Continuous Closed Rational Curves", International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 17(5):453-486, World Scientific, October 2007.
Lin Lu, Yi-King Choi, Wenping Wang, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Variational 3D Shape Segmentation for Bounding Volume Computation", Computer Graphics Forum, 26(3):329-338, Blackwell Publishing, September 2007.
Jieun Lee and Myung-Soo Kim, "Human Hand Adaptation using Sweeps: Generating Animatable Hand Models", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 18(4-5):505-516, July 2007.
Gershon Elber, John K. Johnstone, Myung-Soo Kim, and Joon-Kyung Seong, "The Kernel of a Freeform Surface and Its Duality with The Convex Hull of Its Tangential Surface", International Journal of Shape Modeling, 12(2):129-142, World Scientific, December 2006.
Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim, "Sweep-based Freeform Deformations", Computer Graphics Forum, 25(3):487-496, Blackwell Publishing, September 2006.
Jieun Lee, Seung-Hyun Yoon, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Realistic Human Hand Deformation", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 17(3-4):479-489, John Wiley & Sons, July 2006.
Seung-Hyun Yoon, "A Surface Displaced from a Manifold", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4077:677-686, Springer, July 2006.
Yi-King Choi, Wenping Wang, Yand Liu, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Continuous Collision Detection for Two Moving Elliptic Disks", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 22(2):213-224, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, April 2006.
Joon-Kyung Seong, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Trimming Local and Global Self-Intersections in Offset Curves/Surfaces using Distance Maps", Computer-Aided Design, 38(3):183-193, Elsevier Science, March 2006.
Elmar Wurm, Bert Jüttler, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Approximate Rational Parameterization of Implicitly Defined Surfaces", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3604:434-447, Springer-Verlag, September 2005.
Dae-Eun Hyun, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Jung-Woo Chang, Joon-Kyung Seong, Myung-Soo Kim, and Bert Jüttler, "Sweep-based Human Deformation", The Visual Computer, 21(8-10):542-550, Springer-Verlag, September 2005.
Oleg Ilushin, Gershon Elber, Dan Halperin, Ron Wein, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Precise Global Collision Detection in Multi-Axis NC-machining", Computer-Aided Design, 37(9):909-920, Elsevier Science, August 2005.
Gill Barequet, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Computing The Minimum Enclosing Circle of a Set of Planar Curves", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2(1-4):301-308, June 2005.
Diana Pekerman, Joon-Kyung Seong, Gershon Elber, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Are Two Curves the Same?", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2(1-4):85-94, June 2005.
Joon-Kyung Seong, Ku-Jin Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber, and Ralph R. Martin, "Intersecting a Freeform Surface with a General Swept Surface", Computer-Aided Design, 37(5):473-483, Elsevier Science, April 2005.
Wenping Wang, Yi-King Choi, Bin Chan, Myung-Soo Kim, and Jiaye Wang, "Efficient Collision Detection for Moving Ellipsoids Using Separating Planes",
Computing, 72(1-2):235-246, Springer-Verlag, April 2004.
Joon-Kyung Seong, Gershon Elber, John K. Johnstone, and Myung-Soo Kim, "The Convex Hull of Freeform Surfaces",
Computing, 72(1-2):171-183, Springer-Verlag, April 2004.
Chang-Hun Kim, Myoung-Hee Kim, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Computer Graphics in Korea",
Computer Graphics, 36(3):24-28, ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2002.
Dae-Eun Hyun, Bert Jüttler, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Minimizing the Distortion of Affine Spline Motions",
Graphical Models, 64(2):128-144, Elsevier Science, March 2002.
Hee-Seok Heo, Sung Je Hong, Joon-Kyung Seong, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "The Intersection of Two Ringed Surfaces and Some Related Problems",
Graphical Models, 63(4):228-244, Academic Press, November 2001.
Myung-Soo Kim and Kokichi Sugihara, "Minkowski Sum of Axis-Parallel Surfaces of Revolution Defined by Slope-Monotone Closed Curves",
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E84-D(11):1540-1547, November 2001.
Wenping Wang, Jieye Wang, and Myung-Soo Kim, "An Algebraic Condition for the Separation of Two Ellipsoids",
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 18(6):531-539, Elsevier Science, July 2001.
Gershon Elber, Myung-Soo Kim, and Hee-Seok Heo, "The Convex Hull of Rational Plane Curves",
Graphical Models, 63(3):151-162, Academic Press, May 2001.
Gershon Elber, Gill Barequet, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Bisectors and α-Sectors of Rational Varieties",
Computing, Supplement 14:73-88, Springer-Verlag, March 2001.
Joo-Haeng Lee, Sung Je Hong, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Polygonal Boundary Approximation for a 2D General Sweep Based on Envelope and Boolean Operations",
The Visual Computer, 16(3-4):208-240, Springer-Verlag, May 2000.
Gershon Elber and Myung-Soo Kim, "Computing Rational Bisectors",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 19(6):76-81, IEEE Computer Society, November/December 1999.
Hee-Seok Heo, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "The Intersection of Two Ruled Surfaces",
Computer-Aided Design, 31(1):33-50, Elsevier Science, January 1999.
Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber, "Bisector Curves of Planar Rational Curves",
Computer-Aided Design, 30(14):1089-1096, Elsevier Science, December 1998.
Tae-Ick Chang, Joo-Haeng Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Sung Je Hong, "Direct Manipulation of Generalized Cylinders based on B-spline Motion",
The Visual Computer, 14(5):228-239, Springer-Verlag, November 1998.
In-Kwon Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Polynomial/Rational Approximation of Minkowski Sum Boundary Curves",
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Porcessing, 60(2):136-165, Academic Press, March 1998.
Gershon Elber and Myung-Soo Kim, "The Bisector Surface of Rational Space Curves",
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 17(1):32-49, ACM Press, January 1998.
Ku-Jin Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, and Kyungho Oh, "Torus/Sphere Intersection Based on a Configuration Space Approach",
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, 60(1):77-92, Academic Press, January 1998.
Gershon Elber and Myung-Soo Kim, "Geometric Shape Recognition of Freeform Curves and Surfaces",
CVGIP: Geometric Models and Image Processing, 59(6):417-433, Academic Press, November 1997.
Gershon Elber, Jung-Ju Choi, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Ruled Tracing",
The Visual Computer, 13(2):78-94, Springer-Verlag, June 1997.
Gershon Elber, In-Kwon Lee, and Myung-Soo Kim, "Comparing Offset Curve Approximation Methods",
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 17(3):62-71, IEEE Computer Society, May/June 1997.
In-Kwon Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, and Gershon Elber, "Planar Curve Offset Based on Circle Approximation",
Computer-Aided Design, 28(8):617-630, Elsevier Science, August 1996.
Min-Ho Kyung, Myung-Soo Kim, and Sung Je Hong, "A New Approach to Through-the-Lens Camera Control",
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, 58(3):262-285, Academic Press, May 1996.
Myung-Soo Kim and Kee-Won Nam, "Hermite Interpolation of Solid Orientations with Circular Blending Quaternion Curves",
The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 7(2):95-110, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, April 1996.
Myoung-Joon Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, and Sung Yong Shin, "A Compact Differential Formula for the First Derivative of a Unit Quaternion Curve",
The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 7(1):43-57, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, January 1996.
Myoung-Joon Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, and Sung Yong Shin, "A General Construction Scheme for Unit Quaternion Curves with Simple High Order Derivatives",
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '95), 369-376, ACM Press, August 1995.
Myung-Soo Kim and Kee-Won Nam, "Interpolating Solid Orientations with Circular Blending Quaternion Curves",
Computer-Aided Design, 27(5):385-398, Elsevier Science, May 1995.
Soon-Bum Lim and Myung-Soo Kim, "Oriental Character Font Design by a Structured Composition of Stroke Elements",
Computer-Aided Design, 27(3):193-207, Elsevier Science, March 1995.
Myoung-Soo Kim, Eun-Joo Park, and Hwan-Yong Lee, "Modeling and Animation of Generalized Cylinders with Variable Radius Offset Space Curves",
The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 5(4):189-207, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1994.
Jae-Woo Ahn, Myung-Soo Kim, and Soon-Bum Lim, "Approximate General Sweep Boundary of 2D Objects",
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, 55(2):98-128, Academic Press, March 1993.
Myung-Soo Kim, Jae-Woo Ahn, and Soon-Bum Lim, "An Algebraic Algorithm to Compute the Exact General Sweep Boundary of a 2D Curved Object",
Information Processing Letters, 47(5):221-229, Elsevier Science, 1993.
Myung-Soo Kim, Eun-Joo Park, and Soon-Bum Lim, "Approximation of Variable Radius Offset Curves and its Application to Bézier Brush Stroke Design",
Computer-Aided Design, 25(11):684-698, Elsevier Science, 1993.
Myung-Soo Kim and S.H. Suh, "An Algebraic Approach to Collision-Avoidance Trajectory Planning for Dual-Robot Systems: Formulation and Optimization", Robotica, 10:173-182, 1992.
Myung-Soo Kim and Chandrajit Bajaj, "Convex Hulls of Objects Bounded by Algebraic Curves",
Algorithmica, 6(4):533-553, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Myung-Soo Kim and Chandrajit Bajaj, "Generation of Configuration Space Obstacles: The Case of Moving Algebraic Surfaces", The International Journal of Robotics Research, 9(1):92-112, 1990.
Myung-Soo Kim and Chandrajit Bajaj, "Generation of Configuration Space Obstacles: The Case of Moving Algebraic Curves",
Algorithmica, 4(2):157-172, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Myung-Soo Kim and Chandrajit Bajaj, "Generation of Configuration Space Obstacles: The Case of a Moving Sphere", IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, 4(1):94-99, IEEE Computer Society, 1988.